Ethical industry

In Japan, "Society 5.0" has been proposed as a new science and technology policy. It envisions a humanity-oriented society that balances economic development with the resolution of social issues through a system that highly integrates cyberspace (virtual space) and physical space (real space). However, the question of how personal data will be handled there has become an issue, and "ethics" has become a major challenge for data and the AI companies and organizations that utilize them.

Other such discussions are becoming inevitable at the interface between all kinds of "advanced science" and society, such as energy and bioscience. However, it is also true that ethics so far has tended to suppress science and management with rules. This is because, on the contrary, traditional values and biases can become a stumbling block to technologies that would originally bring about a better society.

In other words, ethics is not only a philosophical knowledge when we discuss these issues, but also a practical soft technology (art). In order to understand ethics from this perspective and practice innovation based on the "common good," the FCAJ calls organizations and industries that provide and support opportunities for ethical thinking and dialogue "ethical industries" (Ethical Industries®︎).

For this purpose, FCAJ will function as a "Plural Sector" through the dissemination of methodologies such as "Purpose Engineering®︎" and the design and practice of "places" (Wise Place®︎) for this purpose.



FCAJ Symposium "New "Ethics" in the Age of Transformation

As a theme for the third anniversary of its establishment, FCAJ focused on "ethics" that have not yet become apparent in corporate and economic activities, but will become extremely important for innovation in the future, especially social and economic ethics in the "Age of Spirit" that the world will experience in the future.