Generation Z and Investing in the Future

There is a growing global interest in Generation Z (the new generation after the millennials - those born between 1996 and 2012). The reason for this is that this generation will soon become the largest segment of the world's population, and because of their high level of social interest and familiarity with the digital world, they are expected to be the guiding force for future innovation.

Not only this generation Z, but also FCAJ is sharing themes such as wellbeing with its members and thinking about what themes and fields we should "invest" (not only money, but also ideas and efforts for collaboration) for the next society. Needless to say, what industry, academia, government and the private sector should collaborate on is innovation that will change the social system.

According to the FCAJ survey (general monitors), the first thing we should do is "scramble to repair the global environment. And even though they are generally satisfied with their current lives, about three-quarters of them are not satisfied with the current Japanese society. And the younger generation wants to think about the future and put it into practice (the argument that young people these days are conservative does not necessarily apply).

While the rest of the world is moving toward Generation Z, Japan has only about half of the world's Generation Z population due to its low birthrate and aging population. That's why we are also engaged in dialogue with Generation Z, such as "reverse mentoring.